Pacira Biosciences
The opioid epidemic has become one of the nation’s most deadly public health crises. What’s not well known, however, is that surgery has become an unintentional gateway to opioid addiction and dependence. To combat this epidemic, Pacira BioSciences, Inc., tapped Coyne PR to change the conversation around opioid use following surgery. Specifically, most patients are unaware they have choices when it comes to postsurgical pain management. Together, Pacira and Coyne PR developed Choices Matter, an award-winning national movement entering its 5th year to encourage patients and physicians to discuss postsurgical pain management, including non-opioid options, before surgery.

Pacira and Coyne PR set out to find real people with real stories to humanize the surgical gateway storyline and show how opioid addiction can happen to anyone. The result was a deeply moving 40-minute documentary titled GATEWAY, which provides a look into how the overprescribing of opioids – especially after surgery – can lead to downstream consequences like addiction and dependence. GATEWAY premiered at a private screening for advocacy groups and media in NYC, followed by an event in LA a few months later. A national PSA was also issued in partnership with CADCA, the nation’s leading substance abuse prevention organization. To date, the documentary has been recognized by 24 top film festivals across the country and won over 27 awards across the film and media industry, including a PRSA Silver Anvil.